Block Line Medical Clinic
201-1450 Block Line Road Kitchener
NOTE: Effective June 1, 2023 there will be a $20 charge for all prescription refill requests as this is not an OHIP covered service. You can avoid this charge by booking in with your physician before you run out of medication (we will not be able to accommodate urgent appointments for this reason so please plan ahead). Alternatively, you can ask for an extension from your pharmacist.
Payment can be sent to:
Dr. Alex Ma at
Dr. Qi Wang at
Dr. Gillian Hewson at
Dr. Iram Abassi at
It is now possible to contact your doctor using email for certain test and consultation results. To learn more about this service, click here or click on 'Using Email' under the News tab. You will be required to complete a consent form before using this service.
Costs For Non OHIP Items
Fee for faxing lab reports to complementary or alternative medicine practitioners (e.g. naturopath) is $25. Patients can save on this cost by accessing blood work online on Lifelabs and printing out a copy.
Note for absence from work or school 25.00
Note for massage or orthotics 25.00
Note for Daycare 25.00
Insurance Forms 60.00
Third Party Fitness Form 50.00
Drivers Physical, Medical Exam Form 292.00
Travel Immunization, Each Shot 20.00
Any Complex Reports will be assessed individually
Medical Records will be assessed according to preparation time and shipping costs.
Travel Medicine
Please note that travel medicine is not covered by OHIP, and that the patient must pay out of pocket?
More information available at:​
Flu/Shingle Vaccines
Flu shots are available through our office or pharmacies every fall
The influenza vaccine (flu shot) is available for high risk patients only for now. These are people with heart diseases, lung diseases, kidney diseases, cancer, anemia, morbid obesity, diabetes, children between 6 to 59 months of age, and seniors over 65 years of age.
The flu shot is open to the general public (everyone over the age of six months who's never had an allergic reaction to the flu vaccine).
Most likely flu shots for everyone will be available in mid November 2016. We will update the website again when this happens.
Shingles vaccine is available now for people between the age of 65 and 70. Book an appointment with our medical office assistants